Monday, January 12, 2009

12. Challange the Nominations Due Friday Jan. 16th

Step 1- Read all the comments from the previous assignment.

Step 2- Choose one comment which is thoughtful.

Step 3-

First, paraphrase the comment you are responding to: For example: “Mr. Franco thinks that…”

Then challange the nomination.

Write a question about the chosen comment. The question must be: clear, sincere, useful and be the sort of question which leads to more questions. The question you write must complicate the comment’s argument, make the reader of the comment you are questioning think deeper. Stir up some intellectual trouble


Steven Ferraro said...

My question is to Eric Jiang who states that Adams must have felt "being nice will get you to your goal and being violent will get you into trouble". I would like to know how Eric can justify knowing what Adams' thoughts and feelings could have possibly been. Also, how exactly does "he (Adams) not care about himself"? What does this have to do with any qualifications leading to a nomination for a Nobel Peace Prize?

Eric Jiang said...

My question for Alex Ciardullo is that she just typed " He had the French and American ships fight in the Caribbean." She also said in the end " all the people had different thoughts that I didn't agree with."
What were the thoughts? Why did you type French and American ships fight in the Caribbean?

luis fcp said...

My question to Jackie Situ is What does Hamilton have to do with why Thomas Jefferson should be nominated for Nobel Peace Prize?

sade_seidu said...

Timmy Mei stated that the other three nominations would have never made peace wih France. My question to Timmy is how do you know they dont want to make peace with France. What is the proof that they werent behind John Adam in signing the Peace Treaty with France?

Anonymous said...

My question is for Jackie Situ.

"I would like to nominate Thomas Jefferson. Like the situation of the national debt. Hamilton wanted to pay the foreign debt and also the bonds."

"But more people chose on Hamiltons side, because it gains money for the US. Many of the disegreements are from Hamilton, and Jefferson."

Those are two quotes from Jackie's nomination. My question for Jackie is: how come Hamilton is involved in your nomination for Jefferson when you should be mainly discussing Jefferson? How come you help out Hamilton yet you didn't nominate him by saying more chose his side?

Rebecca_Kwong said...

My question for Jackie Situ is that why he would include Hamilton in his nomination. He should have just told the things he thought about Jefferson. He stated that people was on Hamiltons's side, like he was nominating him for the Nobel Peace Prize.

dakota_an said...

Leanna Manashvily said that the secretary of state Thomas Jefferson should receive the Nobel Peace Prize because he worked to grow a successful economy. That even meant fighting over it with others like Hamilton. My question is "How do you know Jefferson chose the right way to grow the economy?" Also, even though economy is important, what does it have to do with peace?

Karina_Royzen said...

Rebecca Kwong stated "Adams tried to unite the United States and France together two times even though he was given pressure...With all the pressure, some people thought that a war was going to break out."

These are two statements from Rebecca's nomnation. My question for Rebecca is: In the first statement, you said that Adams was given pressure. In the second statement, you stated that with all the pressure people thought their would be a war. If the pressure was given to Adams, how would the people feel there being any pressure?

Brian said...

I choose Jackie because he included Hamilton in the nomination. He should of talk about Jefferson more. He thought that people was on Hamilton side. When I read his nomination thought he was going to choose Hamilton for the Nobel Peace Prize. Then he should left out Jefferson.

Timmy_mei said...

My question to Jackie is "why did you state things about Hamilton?"You were starting with Jefferson.So Why would you put Hamilton in your blog

Catherine said...

Rebecca thinks that John Adams should receive the Noble Peace Prize. He tried to unite the United States and France together. She thinks that John Adams changed a lot of things.
My question is: “Why did John Adams have pressure and why would he want to have peace with France?”

Alex_Ciardullo said...

My question is for Jakie Situ. Why is Hamilton included with Thomas Jefferson being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize?

Maina Chen said...

As Beatrice M. said,

"Out of all four candidates for the Nobel Peace prize, I would choose John Adams. He had a hard task of following Washington in presidency. He worked hard to gain the citizens trust."

If Washington lead a great job before Adams, then shouldn't he be the one to win the prize?

Anonymous said...

Tinny Mei stated that John Adams should have received the nobel piece prize because he didn't give into peer pressure and the other three people didn't have the same peace treaty with France. My question is if anyone else had the same ideas that he had?

NotYourAverageFemale said...

My question is to Jackie Situ. Why did you mainly focus on Hamilton when you were nominating Jefferson?

Alonso_Espinoza said...

I thought that Steven Ferraro's blog was thoughtful. He stated that "John Adams widely contributed to the good of the nation. For various reasons he should have a nomination for the Noble Peace Prize. These reasons include: He tried to seek peace with France 2 times,he didn't give into peer presure with giving into war with France.Also, he got France to sign a peace treaty and fired the two members of his cabinet that went against him and had the American and French ships fight in the Carribean. My question to you is that " Do you think that John Adams will let anybody down?"

Alisha Bunting said...

My question is for Maina. said " He even sent a representative to Friday to talk and end fighting, and so they eventually signed a treaty." My question is who or what is Friday ?

Alisha Bunting said...
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Yanek said...

Yvette J said that:Thomas Jefferson believed that the nation should be run by the people.

This may have been true, but my question is: what kind of a world would it be If Thomas Jefferson was president. If his statement was true, then this wouldnt be a world anymore. It would be governed by regular people making laws to approve drugs, alcahol, violence and other bad things. I believe that the world should be governed by the government and NO-ONE ELSE.